Kipaji Night-Chuka University Untammed Tallents

The talent night that, attracted the whole population of Chuka University including Embu campus even though being the  first of this kind organized by CUSA Organising Secretary, Virginia Wangare AKA Bosslady after she got elected to the docket. Well, the fact is there has never been one of this kind in Chuka University history.
It was the event of the kind to be Yesterday rather than stay dringking or playing pool or just sleeping in your room. The night having been duped Kipaji Night, made many comrades realize of myriad of talent in Chuka universtiy that had just been trying to rust. Many comrade artists signed up for performance such that the list was so long, that others didn't get chances to showcase their talents.

Lets See the perfomances that blew the Stage...
1. Jaymoh
Was the first to present among all artists. his music was good but the croud still didnt have the hype

2. Embu Campus
The best play of the night. Infact there was no other than this. though they got kind off demoralized juu ya mics and the stage but they captured the audince and everyone was looking on. quoted to have The most beautiful ladies of all Chuka University campuses. Na si mimi nmesema.

3. New Blyden Dance Crew
Ata nyinyi mlijionea tu kama ulikua.Fascinating, Killer Dance, got the best Audience so far and with their style and swag, definitely the most swaggerrific.
NewBlydenDancers Warming the stage

4. 254 Divas

Attracted the male attention, turning the poidium on that is to say, no boy wanted them to leave the stage… that’s for sure even me sikuta watoke. they shaked everything.

5. Jontez Jibu
The hootest rap of the night from this artist. That simple. thats all.

6. DT DAncers
Took the mood of the stage that fans did realize their perfomance iliisha. This lyrical dancers know what they do.

7. Anto Newboy Ft Barry Skies
The Cheza Nami artists, the valentine trending hit saved the night.

8. Barry Skies ft
This song Nakupenda, Wow! That lady just took emotion by the chorus part, Nakupenda Ahh, Nakupenda Ahh....Ata nmejipata naimba. definitely it was the song of the night. Nakupenda, Naipenda

9.  Patoh El-Even
Wah Wah! Talent is here. a confidant said the song, Dem Toka Dandora was written during a biology practical. You funny Pattoh. some thought you were lipsynching Vybs song When you sang the 10/10. Kudos!

10. Pattoh Slimmy
Apa Chuka kuna Talents. Vipaji Tunayo...that what someone sitting close to me said when Pattoh Slimmy sang.
the list is so long sana. too long. i could even include the artist who didnt perfom but I would be boring if I did that.

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