Chuka University Election in Pictures

Chuka University, in Tharaka Nithi County, believed to be a prophetic University by Prophet Jerusha Kanyua, had there first peaceful student election after the last years, that came with chaos and lead to expulsion of more than 45 students, and loss of life of some comrades who died in the historical road carnage "the North Rift Nissan Sacco at Gilgil".
CUSA elect leaders 2017-2018

The Elections happened on January 27th and here are the new Cusa Learders;

  1. The President The Chairman)
Mr Ohuru Elphers

He commanded a large number of supporters than ever seen in history of Chuka University. with all tribes known as tribe Kenya. He garnered more than 60% of the total votes. While his competitors, David Mutinda, Zephania Kiprop and Obed Kiptanui shared the remaining less than or equal 40%.

2. Vice President (Deputy Chair)
Millicent Mugambi

3. Organizing Secretary
Virginia Wangari
virginia Wangari

4. Treasurer
Patrick Matoke

5. SEcretary General
Lutta Wilberforce

Election Day in pictures

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