Exams or Home? Chuka University Comrades Read until further Notice.
Exams or Home? Wear your mask before reading this. Well, if we are to go home, especially those who MUST pass through the zoned counties we'd still be stuck. So, just give us the exams.
Comrades are confused whether to read, sleep or just continue sleeping over after President Uhuru Kenyatta gave a directive that all physical learning must be abandoned This directive came amid end semester examinations. Some lazy lads begun jubilating spreading the news of "No exams" becasue they had not been studying the whole semester. However, some students are hurt by the directive and are begging the administration to hold on tight till they finish the exams.
The Questions is, will the Vice Chancellor surpass the Presidents directive?
My thought or blatant answer is "YES."
Chuka University is built on principles that ensure that students get timely education. I remember there was a time lecturers we on strike and students in other university wasted close to a whole academic year. Chuka University students, under the leadership of VC. Prof. Njoka were in the campus and learning was going on as usual. In fact we even did exams and graduated.
To continuing students, do not leave school until a directive/notice is given. Online classes can be challenging for most of us but let us stick around and finish exams and see if we shall graduate. Furthermore, Chuka University is some good miles away from the Zoned areas. You are safe at you position than travelling home mixing up with people who may be infected by the deadly virus. Wash your Hands regularly, Keep distance and take warm food and drinks.
Stay safe Folks.
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