Fourth year, Resit?? Register For Chuka University Resit/Special Exam Now Before you miss Graduation

You should download the resit/special exam form first, pay for all the units that you have resit on and submit the receipt to finance department. 

Owing the pandemic, the resumption of the new normal and the fact that much time has been lost, if you are a fourth year and was unlucky or intentionally postponed your exams, this is going to be the hardest time in school for you.  I know you may have been dumb, but let me enlighten you on how to go about this. 

How to Download Resit/Special Exams form for Final students Chuka University
In simple steps

1. Visit the university Official website (
2. Scroll down to Current Students and Click Read More

3. On the new Page find from the list the part written RESIT&SPECIAL EXAM REGN FORM.pdf Actually it number 5 from the top.  If you're too dumb to find it then just click below to download the form.

What next after downloading the form? 
Enda Ujaze form, Lipa Fee, You know how much it costs per credit factor right? Kama hujui enda uulizie mabeshte ama kwa dean. 
After paying the fee, take the bank slip or Receipt to the Finance department for update.

After all that is done, Reset your mind for the resit paper.  Enda Usome vizuri

All the best in your examinations. 


  1. When is the registration date fo retake

  2. How do I apply for resits online


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