How to become an author of Chuka University Arena

How to become an author of Chuka University Arena

Follow the following steps if you wish to become an author with us
  1. Send us an email to or message on our Facebook page with the Subject "I WANT TO BE AN AUTHOR"
  2. In the body, include the genre you would like to write about as a title.
  3. Include why you are interested.
  4. Send you email. it takes a maximum of three hours to be approved.
  5. Before approval we would like to see a sample of news you write about so you will get a reply asking you to submit a story. you can include this story in your email as well.
  6. we reply to emails as fast as possible. 
All our payments are made either through Mpesa or Paypal
The list amount withdrawable is Ksh 800 or $8
Thank you.
Looking forward to work with you

Disclaimer, we only pay on the basis of how many posts and views you make. 

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