No water, Chuka University Student now opt for river water since its the only free resource. To get 20litre water you will have to pay Ksh 20, that's enough for a comrades supper, Kales for ten Bob na nyanya ya 10 na maisha yanaendelea. But now you have to decide whether to drink water for lunch or supper ama...

"Its exactly 79 days, 1896 hours, since we reported back to school, hakunyesha except for two consecutive days since January. That was the last time we saw or smelt rain in this Chuka. Akuna maji kaa hostel yetu na akuna MTU anashughulikia. We have invited the CUSA officials and they have had conversations with the landlord but so far things are the same like they never talked," complained a student of Kilu hostel.

That's not the only hostel in Chuka non residential that hasn't had water for more than four weeks, there are so many others. Most comrades are forced to walk kilometers to get water from the river that they do not know its name anyway, others if lucky get water from other hostels  of which if found by the landlord of such hostels then some stories arise. When you walk through the night, closer to Holime hostel, you will Find along line of Comrades with buckets and jericans as late as 10pm lining for water that comes from a broken pipe as well. Where did we go wrong this Semester?

Despite all these, as you walk, on your way you will see a lot of broken pipes overflowing their waters to the dry land, that when you remember huna maji ya kunywa ama ya kubrush meno. This is how some comrades live right now. You  attest to this when someone pass close to you and you feel the odour. You will meet these people, with overalls written NIWASCo and NDAGANI KK mending the pipes everyday and then you wonder why they mend the same pipe at the same point everyday or every week. Just at the same point.
Water is a scares resource and has been declare a national problem by the water and irrigations board. Only flash your toilet when needed, reuse washing water for flashing and mopping, and recycle if possible.

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